Wrestlingworth & Cockayne Hatley Parish Council


The Parish of Wrestlingworth and Cockayne Hatley has two settlements set within the rural open countryside on the eastern boundary of the county of Bedfordshire, close to Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire.

Wrestlingworth is a linear village. Historically Wrestlingworth had “ends” including Mill End, Hatley End and Water End. Hatley End has been subsumed into the northern part of the village with buildings which were begun in the 1930s and the development completed in the 1980s. Both Mill End and Water End are still separated from the main part of the village by agricultural land.
Cockayne Hatley is a smaller settlement, approximately one mile to the north of Wrestlingworth. The two settlements have considerable historic backgrounds, with Cockayne Hatley mentioned in the Doomsday Book and Wrestlingworth being founded in the 12th Century. The settlements were based on the farming industry of the local area, which included arable and fruit farming.

An active population supports a variety of clubs and societies, as well as village events in or near the Chequers pub, as well as the Memorial Hall, both in Wrestlingworth.

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